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The War Cry


Emily and I have been reading through 1 Samuel, Proverbs, and Luke this month. It has been a joy to be filled with new hope, revelation, and inspiration from Holy Spirit in our lives.


Personally, I have been going back to the heart of missions. Why missions? Why prayer? Why the Church? 


I have been reading “Let the Nations be Glad” By John Piper.


To answer this simply – “missions exists because worship doesn’t.” Meaning if everyone was worshiping the Lord Jesus then we wouldn’t need missions. However, there are many who have not heard, seen, or grasped this reality that God is the savior and redeemer of all people. 


Therefore, worship is the fuel of missions. As we worship and give glory to the Lord we gain a passion for others to experience the goodness of God. 


God’s purpose is to bring glory to himself and to enjoy Himself forever. Same is with us as people. Our purpose is to bring glory to God and enjoy Him forever. As people come to know Jesus as savior and they come to know all that God has done for them, that results in worship and glory to the Lord. 


Note, this is a reflection and a simple summery of the depth of scripture I have read over the last few days. 


Now going into prayer.


I am sure there has been questions and uneasy feelings as we continue to walk through the uncertainty of our country and the world. However, I am reminded today of the importance of all the things we do to bring the Kingdom to this earth. 


So, here is my encouragement to you:


God is still on the throne, He is still King, He is still sovereign, He is still faithful, He is a truth keeper and will complete His promises. 


In the chapter of “Let the Nations be Glad” called, “The Supremacy of God in Missions Through Prayer.”


This chapter describes that our life is war and our prayer really is a wartime communication. 

I have going back to the question – why do we pray? As well as fighting the thought in my mind that says “God is in control so I don’t need to pray.” This chapter renewed my passion for prayer as I rediscover the purpose of prayer and how much we need it now!


“I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them” – 1 Timothy 2:1


“Dear brothers and sisters, I urge you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to join in my struggle by praying to God for me. Do this because of you lover for me, given to you by the Holy Spirit.” -Romans 15:30


This word for prayer here means fight. And when we are talking about fighting, we are fighting against the principalities and evil rulers mentioned in Ephesians 6:12.


As we look into the armor of God, specifically the sword of the Spirit, it is welded through prayer. Meaning we take hold of the sword by praying and using it to extend this Kingdom into the territory of battle. So let’s go together, taking on our identity and secure in the promises and praying to fight into the unseen and to have victory. 


Our nation needs prayer. Our fellow believers need prayer. We need a sense of worship that allows us to have the passion to share the hope and joy we have in Christ with others. Its time to get back to it together. To commit to pray is to rely on the Lord for his victory and to depend on Him for his deliverance.


In the state of ambiguity in our world, let’s do some intentional praying to win these battles and see the Lord prove true in the midst of the war.






Andrew & Emily 


2 responses to “The War Cry – Prayer”

  1. Wonderful & inspiring insights Andrew! Prayer, mission all for that the whole world would know Him & worship Him.

    I ll have to read Piper’s book as well.
    You reminded me Romans 15;20 …. May we all aspire to take Jesus & the Gospel to people where He has not been named!!

    Love You Andrew & Emily, Dad

  2. You’re spot on my friend! The things of the world and our country can really get a person down, if he or she forgets the hope we have through our Lord Jesus and the armor we can get through the scriptures and his words.

    My best to a great couple, my prayers are with you and soon, I will send you some treasure to help you continue your good works!!

    Bless you, Roger