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More Good News

Dear supporters,


We’ve got a team of young people in Costa Rica right now.  They’re on the field for 3 months… look at some of what they said to me in their mid-point survey.


“…my time on the field has grown me and pushed me deeper in my faith and in trusting the Lord…..”


“….. Before this trip, I struggled to really get into the Bible and want to read it. In getting to spend intentional time in the Word, along with fasting and casting out demons, I’ve gotten to really see the Bible come to life….”


“…. before leaving I didn’t really care for or think I needed community, but I have found how awesome it can be and how beneficial it is.”


“….I will cherish these memories and lessons for the rest of my life…..”


Young people in America are statistically running from God and the church in record numbers. 


You’re choosing to be a part of my team who’s directly addressing that issue and offering those same young people an opportunity to make their faith their own. They are truly waking up to a God that is alive and well and (hopefully) choosing to radically live for Him well beyond the trips they go on with us.


I’m so incredibly thankful for you. The prayers you’ve prayed, the money you’ve given month after month adds up to emails like this. 


This is just a glimpse of the good new we see and Emily and I can’t thank you enough for partnering with us on a monthly, quarterly or yearly basis. If you have questions or would love to talk more about our needs and what ministry looks like for us in this season. Please leave a comment below or email us directly at: [email protected] or [email protected]


We miss you all as we are back in Georgia for a season getting ready to train and equip leaders in the missions field as well as preparing youth groups and families for mission trips coming in the summer of 2022. Blessing to all!


-Andrew & Emily 

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